jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

Xabier Lete Bergaretxe

Xabier Lete Bergaretxe was a vasque writer, politic, poet and singer. He started writing when was very young and his articles were very popular in the magazine called "Zeruko Argia". In 1965 Xabier Lete start with a group of music called "Ez Dok Amairu" with this members of the group: Mikel Laboa, Benito Lertxundi, Joxean Artze, Josean Irigarai and Lourdes Iriondo.

In 1867 I saw my first train in Spain.
I see only a part of a road.
The person thas had puted in this way.
The nort train.
He had big knowledge.
Head entreteniment.
He likes the best hors.

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